
Legal information


Owner: riviera collection

Telephone: +33(0)4 22 13 50 21
Address: 36, rue Rossini -
06000 Nice - France
Siret: N°39748932900029
RCS: Nice B 397489329
Intracommunity VAT number:
FR 51 397 489 329
Legal form: Société par actions simplifiée
Share capital:
7,622.45 Euros

Creation of the site : ALTELIS

Telephone: +33(0)1 85 09 74 06
Address: 37, rue Adam Ledoux - 92400 Courbevoie - France
Siret: N°80164723100050
RCS: Paris B 801647231
Intracommunity VAT number:
Legal form: Limited liability company
Share capital: 100,000.00 Euros

Hosting : webflow

Telephone: +33(0)8 99 70 17 61
Address: 398 11TH ST, 2ND FLOOR, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 United States
Company number: C3515942
Legal form: Venture Capital-Backed
Share capital: 214,900,000.00 Dollars